Now Playing: Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered (2015)

I have always avoided these David Cage games because I had vague memories of trying this game out back when it originally came out and there being some kind of really awkward scene in the beginning where David Cage literally walks into the restaurant you start the game in and starts talking to you directly about his game before it even starts. It just struck me as a really horrible, and more than a little pretentious, way to set the scene for a story and it just immediately put me off of the whole thing. Later there was all that hype about Heavy Rain and it looked pretty similar and I didn’t have a PS3 at the time anyway so I just ignored it. All this time I was under the impression that these games were just standard over-dramatic murder mystery thrillers that people just liked because of their advanced graphics. One day, not long ago, I saw an article on the interwebs about a remastered re-release of this game coming soon. I don’t even know why I clicked on it, but I did, and went to browse the comments section for some reason. One of the comments said “Only in a David Cage game can you have sex with a dead person and fight the physical form of the internet…”, and for some reason that suddenly made me really want to play this game. What does that say about my state of mind? Who cares, I’m talking about a game here!

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Now Playing: Lords of the Fallen (2015)

Alright. Lords of the Fallen. I, like many other people who talk about this game, am inevitably going to compare this game to Dark Souls, which may seem a little unfair, but it IS an unapologetically blatant Dark Souls clone, so that’s the price it has to pay.

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Now Reading: Strangers In Paradise

sip1This series is often solicited as “the greatest love story ever told” and sounds more like something my wife would have mixed in with her Jane Austen books, except also with a lot of lesbians. Oh boy, lesbian love stories, my favorite and most relatable kind of story! I don’t remember exactly when I first read this series or how I ended up reading it. I just heard a lot of good things about it, I guess, and checked it out despite it not being at all something I would typically be reading or interested in, but it turned out that it’s the kind of story that’s hard to put down once you’ve started. This is a pretty long read too. The complete series has around 2200 pages all together, many of which are very text heavy and at times just flat out switches to full prose. The original mini-series that kicks off the story is a little rougher and more wacky and cartoonish than the rest of the series generally is, and may give kind of a false impression of what this tale will be like, but it quickly becomes a highly emotional drama that, while still retaining some moments of screwball humor, is more often incredibly serious, surprisingly dark, and really, pretty depressing a lot of the time.

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Now Playing: Resident Evil (2015)

Oh Resident Evil. How many times have I bought (or, well…probably “obtained” in most past cases.) this same game already? Let’s see…twice for Playstation 1 (I believe I sold my original copy then got the Director’s Cut again later), then the remake for Gamecube, then there was the DS version, then the Wii re-release of the Gamecube version, aaaaand now the Xbox One remastered re-release of the Gamecube version. Sounds a little crazy when you say it out loud I suppose, but dammit I can’t get enough of these games! Or…can I?

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Now Playing: Bloodnet (1993)

DOSBox 2015-02-05 22-01-46-330

Bloodnet is a game about a Gibson-esque cyberpunk city, with a little bit of a vampire problem, that can best be described as a combination of a point and click adventure and an rpg. Your main character is Ransom Stark; a hacker/mercenary/whatever who takes the wrong job and ends up being bamboozled by Draculas who want your friend’s special Incubus program. The only thing keeping you from turning into one yourself is your trusty neural implant, but it can only hold the infection off for so long so you’d better hurry up and find a way to foil the plans of the head vampire, oddly named Van Helsing, and find a cure somehow, which also somehow requires the previously mentioned Incubus program.

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Now Reading: Fantastic Four (1981-2015)


In other words, I just finished reading an assload of Fantastic Four. Not quite literally every Fantastic Four comics from 1981-2015, but all the ones worth reading in that period at least. I mean it’s not like I went back and read the DeFalco run or anything crazy like that (fist bump to the 2 people that get that)! In fact, I’m just going to gloss over all the less than impressive areas that I did read and just talk about the very best runs, starting with…

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Now Playing: Burn:Cycle (1994)

After The Last Dynasty left such a bad taste in my mouth (shut up), I felt that I needed to balance things out by playing another obscure Windows 3.1 game, but this time a good one. At least that’s what I hoped. I had never played this one before now either. Always wanted to, but it just never came up. My PC wasn’t cool enough to handle it back in the day and the only other system it was ever on was CD-i and who the fuck had a CD-i?

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Now Playing: The Last Dynasty (1994)

Site is still nowhere near ready, a proper site name, domain, and some other little design changes will be coming soon, but just going to throw this out there now anyway because it’s on my mind and that’s the whole point isn’t it?


So let’s see…The Last Dynasty. A combination space combat sim/fmv adventure game. Doesn’t that sound amazing? (Well it did to me!) The first thing you will notice about this game upon going to install it is that it will ONLY run on Windows 3.1. Being a classic PC nut I have a virtual drive with Win 3.1 on it for just such an occasion, so no big deal there.

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