Now Playing: Halo 5 (2015)

I have heard that there is something of an uproar about Halo 5 due to its symptoms of sequel-itis, wherein a game in a series is not exactly like every previous entry of the series and so it must be a bad game (which is exactly the kind of shit I stopped visiting gaming sites over). Ok. I suppose the game has become a little more “mainstream” in design, if you can imagine such a thing being possible about a console FPS series.

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Now Playing: Halo: The Master Chief Collection (and more) Part 3

Now for the last few random Halo games not included in the Master Chef Collection (I don’t care. I’m just going to keep calling him Master Chef.) Starting with…

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Now Playing: Halo: The Master Chief Collection (and more) Part 2

Next on the Halo world tour is, of course, Halo 3. Halo 3 is pretty similar in its shootiness to Halo 2, but with way better graphics, in theory. It’s funny, because what was originally an upgrade from old original Xbox graphics to the first title on the Xbox 360, now looks worse than the previous game thanks to the Anniversary upgrades of 1 and 2. The shootiness is definitely still intact though.

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