Final Fantasy 7 Fever

Part 1 of the remake was fucking amazing, but it only being part of the story still left some of that FF7 urge unscratched, so recently I went back and played the original again on Vita. It still wasn’t enough though. I needed MORE! So I thought what the hell I’ll play all the spinoffs again too.

So of course I’ve never played the lesser known Before Crisis, it having been an old-timey mobile game that only ever released in Japan. Naturally, the internet couldn’t let that slide though and the game has since been remade by a fan in English for RPG Maker. Conveniently enough there’s also a homebrew version of RPG Maker Player for Vita too, so that’s nice. Too bad it’s a terrible game! Maybe it was exciting by 2004 mobile game standards, I seem to remember mobile games being pretty awful back then, but trying to play it now isn’t too fun. Extremely basic and clunky gameplay, writing, and graphics. I just couldn’t get into it and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, even big fans of the world of Final Fantasy 7.

Crisis Core still holds up pretty well. Great graphics and sound for a dated handheld game. Decent combat and an interesting, if sometimes a little cheesy, story. I always found it impressive that this game managed to make me care so much about a former background character like Zack, to the point where I remember hoping he’d end up surviving somehow even though we all know he’s already dead (and yes I was quite excited to see him pop up again in Remake). Anyway, it was pretty fun, but I do feel like playing in New Game+ was a mistake. I did turn the difficulty up to hard, but it was still super easy with how overpowered I was from the first playthrough. Note to self: just start over fresh next time.

And then there was Dirge of Cerberus. Ehhhhhhhh. I can see now why I couldn’t remember a single thing about this game. Great graphics and sound for its time, but everything else about it is painfully mediocre. It’s just an utterly average 3rd person shooter with a director who very clearly thought he was making a Metal Gear Solid game. Shiiiiit, just sooooo many cutscenes and almost none of them remotely interesting. Vincent is a boring protagonist who barely speaks and just gets mountains of exposition dumped on him by a bunch of boring new characters with funny names and even funnier outfits. Like the one eyed, one armed scientist who knows martial arts and dresses like some kind of 80’s movie hooker underneath her labcoat for some reason. They just scream “I think I’m in a Kojima game!”. Really the only thing worth seeing here is the high end cg cutscenes (which make up a very small portion of all the game’s cutscenes), which were done by the same animators of Advent Children. Next time I’ll just watch those on YouTube instead of wasting a dozen hours on this snorefest.

Now…what to play next while killing time until I can get a PS5?

Favorite games from every year of my life – Part 2

And now for part 2 of my long-winded “stolen” feature…


Continue reading “Favorite games from every year of my life – Part 2”

Now Playing: Resident Evil – Outbreak File #2 (2004)

Yeah. Just not feelin’ this one. It’s just too similar to the first one, which is to say it’s a barely tolerable version of Resident Evil with a lot of running around through empty rooms full of sticks and toilet brushes, unpleasant battles with dumbed-down, poorly animated versions of enemies you’ve fought a million times before, and constant fucking inventory management due to your insanely tiny carrying capacity and braindead AI companions. It’s not terrible enough to have stopped me from playing one of them, but when the second one is basically just the exact same thing all over again, nope, can’t do it again. Not going to waste any more time on this unpleasant game. The Outbreak games just don’t hold up well at all compared to the real older Resident Evil games. Resident Evil Outbreak can go back to being the forgotten bastard child of Resident Evil like it deserves.

Now Playing: Contra series (1987-?) Part 2

Contra madness continues with the next generation of Contra on Playstation 2.

Contra finally becomes Contra again with Shattered Soldier. SS is very much a Contra title again, unlike the weird PS1 entries, full of crazy sidescrolling action and a shitload of bizarre and challenging bosses. This game actually looked really good for a PS2 game and the level and boss designs were impressively twisted, often seeming almost like a horror game, at least in appearance.

Continue reading “Now Playing: Contra series (1987-?) Part 2”