Guess what I got!?!

If you guessed everything except an actual fucking PS5 to play this shit on YOU WIN!

Let me tell you, PS5 hunting is a pain in the ass. Sony’s weird online shop queue is half broken and seems completely random, I sure as hell am not gonna get up at 6am to camp out at Walmart all day just to have a CHANCE to maybe get one, and the few other stores selling it…refuse to actually sell it (Target for example allegedly has them in stock in some stores, but will only sell them online, but…isn’t selling them online).

Eh, whatever. I’ll get it one of these days…

Author: Virtuanaut

Virtuanaut is a guy who refuses to grow up, yet still finds the time to be a half-assed computer scientist, despite the fact that constantly trying to relive one's youth is an increasingly time-demanding profession.

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