Heh. So literally the day after that last post, I got one ordered. Just kept obsessively refreshing the Sony Direct store page every day until I got lucky and got into the random sales queue for the day about 1-2 minutes before everyone else noticed and the entire internet descended upon it like they do every time a PS5 sale is announced.

So some quick first impressions: the 3D Pulse wireless headset is very well designed and sounds amazing. I’ve only tried out one PS5 game with it so far, but the level of detail, quality, and immersion of the sound really lives up to the hype.

The controller is a little heavier than the last gen ones, but it feels extremely responsive and sturdy. The new enhanced haptic feedback works well in conjunction with the enhanced audio and adds another nice little layer to the experience. (I can’t wait to see this audio and controller combine with their next VR rig, that’s gonna be insane)

I was surprised at how quiet the system runs too. PS4 Pro sounds like a little plane trying to take off off on some of the more intensive games, but this thing is dead silent. That nice SSD at work I guess. The games so far seem to run entirely off that too and not at all from the disc drive, which is good because that part is noisy as fuck when it’s installing a game.

So yeah…it’s pretty great so far. Demon’s Souls is fucking awesome, but I’ll get into that next time…

Guess what I got!?!

If you guessed everything except an actual fucking PS5 to play this shit on YOU WIN!

Let me tell you, PS5 hunting is a pain in the ass. Sony’s weird online shop queue is half broken and seems completely random, I sure as hell am not gonna get up at 6am to camp out at Walmart all day just to have a CHANCE to maybe get one, and the few other stores selling it…refuse to actually sell it (Target for example allegedly has them in stock in some stores, but will only sell them online, but…isn’t selling them online).

Eh, whatever. I’ll get it one of these days…